Posts Tagged 'style'


Fuck pictures of Kardashian and Lohan and those other skanks. people miss the best stuff on the internet because they don’t know where to look.



Kanye West – Runaway video

I caught this on Rage a few weeks back. I hate Kanye (the man and his ego) along with the best of them, but his music and vision is just so fresh and interesting, and frankly it’s beautiful. Even the subject of the song is completely different to 100% of the other rappers out there. There’s a lot of feeling on this song, and on all the other songs on this album. Better than 808 and heartbreak, really some of the best mainstream music out there.

Doc Martens – Pierre white boots

I bought these, the coolest Doc Martens made since the original black 10 holes I started out with (and am wearing right now actually). They remind me of Tron, french design (I assume the “Pierre” in the name helps with this), a Clockwork Orange, and a host of other cool things. A work of art.

Lady Gaga Polaroid video glasses

I highly doubt any of you are coming to this blog for the latest news, so consequently I doubt this will be that new to anyone, but sometimes you come across stuff you just have to talk about, even if theres nothing new to say about it.

And behold, I give you the GL20’s, Lady Gaga’s creation from a collaboration with Polaroid of all people. Honestly I was surprised to hear about them, because really, they haven’t been relevant for about 10 years when we started getting digital cameras. The last time I remember seeing one used was in the UK office, which is now about 10 years old. And Outkast had that song that went “shake it like a polaroid peeeekcha!” from about the same time. So yeah. Who’s taking polaroids these days? Guess this is their way of rebooting themselves (I hate myself that I just used that term).

Anyway, these things looking MINDBLOWINGLY sweet. Unless they are over about $500.00 I’m getting a pair because even if I never wear them, who the hell cares? It’s a functioning piece of art if you ask me. Some people pay thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars for a painting, to me this is the same sort of thing, except it does something. And look, I don’t have high hopes for being the next Bowie, but if I ever do this is the shit I would wear while performing.

Redheads – A roundup

I’m not even sure why I’m doing this, but at the suggestion of a (ginger) friend, I’m doing a post about gingers (rangas, redheads, coppers, whatever derogatory term you can think of) and all their cultural significance (probably not much).

why do I even bother?

In case the chap in the image above isn’t familiar to you by the way, he’s an internet phenomenon (for all the wrong reasons of course) and anyone who’s sad enough to spend large amounts of time on the internet (myself) would know who he is. It’s a really good test actually, to tell how geeky you are, just peruse a bunch of memes and see how many you know. The less you know, of course, the more fulfilling your life.  Anyway, the story with the ginger kid above is that South Park did an episode that said that ginger people have no souls. I didn’t think anyone took that show seriously but apparently this kid did. Idiot. He made a video rebutting South Park’s “claims” insisting famously that “Gingers do have souls” and that is now how he is known on the internet. Seriously, google it.

South Park then went and mocked that, leading to more videos from the copper crusader. So thats one strike against gingers I think, he’s really not doing much for their credibility as a group. Or for Christians either for that matter. Fail.

A ginger that everyone knows and likes (or at least doesn’t hate) is Ronald Weasley from the Harry Potter francise. Although if you needed that little jog of the memory what rock have you been hiding under? Everyone knows the dude.

a face even a mother couldn't love

smarmy git

Theres not much else to say about him, except that Ron continues the stereotype of gingers being stupid sidekicks, thickheaded numbskulls who go around doing nothing more than making us laugh at their expense. No wonder they get a bad rap with this sort of mainstream exposure.

So this guy isn’t a ginger, obviously. But Jonah (as played by comedian Chris Lilley on Summer Heights High) was one of the first people I saw using the word “ranga” to describe a ginger person. I actually found the whole thing quite amusing because at that point in my life I wasn’t even aware that people with red hair were picked on or victimized (apart from the obligatory “does the carpet match the drapes?” comment on first meeting which isn’t really a big deal). So to see him have a go a small kid with red hair I found rather satirical of the way bullies of any sort operate; namely to insult someone in a way that was illogical, and therefore difficult to respond to (tried arguing with a crazy person before?).

But to me this sums up the whole situation with having a go at ginger people, someone has a dig, the red head thinks it’s unfair and takes offense, and because they’re getting a rise out of the victim, the bully will continue to harass. Remember when your mum told you to ignore what the bullies said and they’d go away? Yeah, she was right all along.

she is right, and you are wrong

Anyway to balance all of this ginger hate out, there are red headed people out there who are liked and even respected. I’ve already mention Ron from Harry Potter, who no doubt is loved by geeks and kids all over the world (even if we still laugh at him for being a dumbass), but there are others as well. Let me point you in the direction of Christina Hendricks.

making up for every other ginger all by herself

you get the idea I'm sure...

So I mean obviously she’s hot and attractive and also a red head. But even though I could stop here and redheads would still be winning, I think it’d be fair to mention a few others (even if they aren’t as good as Miss Hendricks).

less hot but more respect, like commanding one of the great empires of the world respect

another red headed royal. life can't be too bad for this guy

Nobody hated her (except for the supernatural) but then again, never got anywhere apart from the x-files, so I think she broke even really.

why do all the redhead guys look like douche bags?

and all the female red heads are pretty hot

And there are others like Napoleon (yes, that Napoleon), Geri Halliwell, Carrot top (although it’s easy to argue that he and all references to him should be suppressed), Debra Messing, and the list just goes on and on.

So to sum up: people give gingers shit, gingers are pussies and take offense to this, people keep doing it because it’s funny. But at the end of the day gingers are just people with red hair (and freckles) who burn easily. I’m pretty damn sure that’s all there is to say about the subject. Although I can’t expect it, I hope never to have to talk about the gingerliness of anyone ever again.

some random ranga and a cohort

Horrible sci-fi and fantasy book covers – awesome site I found…

Stumbled across this site which is a blog of really really aweful sci fi and fantasy book covers. Good way to kill an hour or so. And some of the covers are just unbelievable 😀

You get the idea…they’re pretty terrible.

LED Belt Buckle – Review

So you remember this post I did about that uber-awesome belt buckle that had scrolling LED text on it that you could make say whatever you wanted it to? You might not remember but at the end I added that if anyone wanted to buy it I would be very appreciative. Well, a friend read my blog and bought me the belt buckle as a belated birthday gift! Holy crap I wish I had filmed my reaction when I opened it because honestly, that was one of the best presents I’ve ever gotten. Thank you so much Mel and Joseph, you’re awesome! 😀 So since I’ve now got one (although I currently lack a belt to wear it on), I thought I should do a review on it since is so goddamn ball blisteringly awesome.

First thing to review is how easy it is to operate. And guess what? It’s easy! It’s got three buttons on the back, and if you’ve ever had a digital watch and had to program the time and date then it’s no harder than that. I found it very, very easy. The text can be a bit time consuming to program in but there are worse things in life. Next, it’s good to know that you can program up to 6 messages at once onto the belt buckle and then switch between them as the mood takes you, rather than fiddling with it when you’re out (and probably pissed). So that’s pretty sweet. You can adjust the text speed and the brightness of the LEDs too so it’s pretty adjustable.

To sum up, the belt buckle is FUCKING AWESOME and will definitely set you apart as a STYLE MAVEN with good taste and a MENTAL DRESS SENSE. In a good way. Get one. Because they are amazing. Actually don’t get one. That way I can be the only person to have one and I’ll be unique! One of a kind! Never meant for mass production!!

Here’s a video I took of the buckle in action, as I said I don’t have a belt to wear it on yet so thats why I’m holding it (like a tool).

Dressing up your shoes – in spats

Yes thats right, I’m putting it out there that a good way to dress up shoes would be by wearing spats, a la Scrooge McDuck. I’ve got two pairs of shoes that I wear constantly, the silver winklepicker boots mentioned in previous posts, and a pair of plain black winklepicker boots. Now sometimes the silver boots can be a bit overpowering depending on how much I want to dress up, while the black boots can be a bit plain. I need something that falls in the middle, something a bit more interesting than plain black boots but less full on than silver boots. So I figured that spats could be a way to do that. And this is a fashion statement that hasn’t even be done yet, its not an emerging trend (unless somehow I bring it in, but that’s unlikely), and isn’t a style that is going to become stale anytime soon because as I said it’s not a trend at all. I’m planning to buy a pair soon, I’ll make sure to post pictures, thoughts and reactions when I get them. You saw it here first!

Winter fashion trends

It’s been a while since I’ve done a proper article so I thought today would be a good day to do one 🙂

So, as you may have gathered by now I work at G-Star RAW. We’ve just got our new autumn/winter collection come in and I was rather surprised to see that a major theme of the collection was a Canadian/outdoors/lumberjack type of vibe. I must say it took me by surprise. Lots of checks, lots of flannel, lots of dark reds and mossy greens (the dark red color used this season is even referred to as “ox blood” color for extra brute-ness). The collection name in case you’re wondering is called Bronco, and a lot of it looks something like this:

Anyway so the reason I mention it is because I’m in the southern hemisphere, where we are 6 months behind the northern hemisphere, meaning they would have had this collection about 6 months ago. And I happened to be reading the New York Time’s blog on fashion when I came across something interesting: this. It seems that G-Star isn’t the only one with lumberjack dreams but unless I’m way off they must have come up with this long before anyone else did. Even if they didn’t, they managed to bring it out a lot sooner than anyone else has.

I know it’s summer now, but the lesson to take away from this is that this winter, Canadian lumberjacks are IN. Start growing your beards! Ladies too!

Marilyn Manson style

Just came across this awsome pic of Marilyn Manson and Evan Rachel Wood out and about. What i really really like is Marilyn’s fantastic blazer with the striped lining. It seems to subvert his usual goth image and because it fits in with his style it become a new look for goth. Cool stuff.
